Meet the Team

René Tristan Lydiksen
Founding Partner
Board member at DK Websales. Former champion at PwC, managing director LEGO Education, chairman at Sima Innovation, and partner at Oxygen.
linkedin link
René Tristan Lydiksen
Marco Bjørslev Jensen
Founding Partner
Former online marketing manager at Texas Equipment and Customer Experience Director at Oxygen.
linkedin link
Marco Bjørslev Jensen
Cathrine Gantzhorn Schmidt
Customer Experience Producer
Educated as Digital Concept Developer and award winner at Circular Design Camp. Huge passion for delivering stand out customer experience across all digital platforms.
linkedin link
Cathrine Gantzhorn Schmidt
Anders Kromann Bak
Student Customer Experience Consultant
Stud. Cand. Merc. International Business and Marketing. Experience with marketing, business strategy, and customer experience through educational background and practice from internships and student jobs.
linkedin link
Anders Kromann Bak